Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

cracked tooth syndrome

Synonyms for Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  • Cracked Cusp Syndrome
  • Split Teeth Syndrome
  • Incomplete Fracture of Posterior Teeth
  • Greenstick Fracture of Crown


A tooth that is incompletely cracked but no part of tooth has broken off.

Pattern of Crack

  1. Centrally located crack may extend to pulp
  2. Peripherally located crack (Cuspal Fracture)

Types of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  1. Fractured Cusp
  2. Treatable
  3. Non-Treatable
  4. Split Tooth
types of cracked tooth

Clinical Features of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  1. Pain on biting
  2. Relief after removing pressure
  3. Tenderness positive on Axial Percussion

Mechanism of Pain in Cracked Tooth Syndrome

mechanism of pain in cracked tooth syndrome

Diagnosis for Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  1. Clinical Symptoms
  2. Bite Test - Patient is asked to bite upon Tooth Sloth / Toothpick / Cotton Roll
    Inference - When patient bites on tooth sloth it Pains and which gets relieved when biting pressure has withdrawn.

Risk Factor for Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  1. Heavy Restoration
  2. Extensive Dental Restoration
  3. Occlusal Discrepancies (High Points)
  4. Masticatory Accidents

Treatment for Cracked Tooth Syndrome

  1. Small Crack : Remove Compromised part followed by Restoration
  2. Large Crack (No pulp involvement) : Stabilization with Orthodontic Band / Crown / Cast metal Restoration
  3. Large Crack (With pulp involvement) : Stabilization, Endodontic treatment followed by Permanent Restoration
  4. Split Tooth : Extraction (Hopeless Prognosis)